Annual Report
Industrial Annual Reporting
Dischargers are required to certify and submit an Annual Report no later than July 15 following each reporting year using the standardized format via the Stormwater Multiple Application and Report Tracking System (SMARTS).
The Annual Report is a list of questions for the discharger to complete, which demonstrates that they comply with and address all applicable requirements of the Industrial Storm Water General Permit (IGP). The Annual Report requires an explanation for any non-compliance of requirements within the reporting year and certification that the Annual Comprehensive Facility Compliance Evaluation (Annual Evaluation) was completed.
The Annual Report can be entered by any SMARTS user that is linked to the facility but can only be certified and submitted by the Legally Responsible Person (LRP) or Duly Authorized Representative (DAR) with a valid eAuthorization form on file. Feel free to use our Annual Comprehensive Facility Compliance Evaluation (Annual Evaluation) Checklist below to streamline your reporting process.
If you need assistance, don’t hesitate to call us at (833) 420-7761 or click to schedule a FREE, Annual Report assessment from a Stormwater Pro.
Below are links with information to help you submit the Annual Report.
Need Stormwater Help?
Call us at (833) 420-7761 or click the button below to schedule a FREE, no-obligation assessment from a Stormwater Pro.